Conveniently Beautiful

I found an easier way to keep my skin revitalized and clean without excessive washing. My skin is very easy to care for year round but wearing makeup and with excessive pollen floating in the air, I noticed some break outs. I found the "Yes to Cucumbers" brand while shopping for a trip. To eliminate the hassle of security at the airport, I decided a facial towelette would work better than getting toner burst in my check in bag; not to mention packing cotton balls. Facial towelettes are AMAZING! The are super convenient. What I like about "Yes to Cucumbers" is it has very simple ingredients. SkinnyGirl mogul Bethany Frankel has developed a similar facial towelette with the same intention to save time since becoming a new mom.
If you have an awesome skin care product that blends well with your active schedule, please share it below. Or share a time saving beauty tip.
Southern Combinations
Vera, Vera!
I am so charged by Vera’s new wedding line. What a talented designer! If you are expecting while renewing your vows or walking the isles for the first time; here are some great bridal styles to be inspired by while in search for the perfect dress.
Styling Diaper Bags
There’s nothing like a hot diaper bag to match your miracle of love and you returning to normal size. I really do care about how my diaper bag looks inside and out although it starts not to matter at some point, it still matters.
Bumps & Stilettos? No Bumps Platform Stilettos.. that's better!
I thought I was daring with the stilettos during pregnancy. These women are on a whole new level. What I wore was really comfy shoes. Platform Stilettos are the it factor in maternity trends. I think they are spectacular! Look hot ladies, eat often, and walk safely.
Good Eats
I have always been a really good eater but I began a healthier eating path in my early 20’s. That effort has made a dramatic effect in my overall health; from overcoming severe asthma to reducing allergic reactions. Along the way keeping the momentum can really became challenging. Not to mention having a baby and now attending kids parties regularly. I have come to catch a pattern with myself and parties and the lesson learned is: “always eat something very nutritious before rushing out to the next kid’s event”. That healthy bite typically keeps me full or at least satisfied throughout most of the event. It also definitely curves my curiosity to reflect on my old taste palate for the famous party foods of my yester years like light and salty Lays potato chips or cheese puffs (my favorites can you tell), hot dogs, pizza and most of all cake!= bigger hips by dawn.
So if you relate to typical party food struggles like I do, try eating a nice veggie burger with baked sweet potato fries and a nice cold glass of super green juice. If you are not the veggie burger type and need some real protein, try a chicken walnut raisin mixed green salad with a lemon vinaigrette and cheese sprinkles. Ummmm! That should hold you until they cut the cake.
Who Cares!
Ever had the experience or heard a mom say: “my daughter or the kids totally ignores me when daddy is around” or “she only says good morning to daddy”. I think every mom I know with little ones have had this unfair experience with their kids and I must admit I have to. Mom’s are often indispensible, same old same old, always around, flexible; the first to drop any task to come to their rescue. Consciously or subconsciously we feel bad when dismissed by our kids at any age but often tell ourselves it’s not a big deal and go back to the drawing board of unconditional caring. TIME OUT!
It’s a good idea to kindly let little ones know mommies are humans who need food, sleep, and appreciation. It’s ok to show them how you like to be thanked and what makes you feel truly valued or not. There is a saying “you teach people how to treat you”. No one can be more honest or teach your kids better than you on respect and courtesy; and that lesson can start with mommy first!